OUTREACH & Evangelism

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

Jesus' commission to us as His followers is to go and tell every nation, tribe, and tongue of His great name. Making disciples of all nations, no matter your mission field. God wants nothing more than to have us running after Him and going to make Him known in all the earth.

What is the difference between Outreach & Evangelism Nights?

Outreach Nights

Evangelism Nights

These are nights where we take prayer, worship and the preaching of God’s Word to the streets. The strategy of this is to take the church to them. The focus of this night is "presence evangelism" where we as a church family gather and worship the Lord openly in the middle of the city at Selby Five Points Park and other locations as the Lord leads. There are powerful prayers and declarations made prior to the preaching of God’s Word, with an altar call given each time to receive the Lord Jesus. We have seen many people receive salvations and physical miracles at these events.
These are nights when Victory hits the streets, businesses, or wherever the Holy Ghost leads us in multiple small teams of two and three, to share the Gospel in a personal and relational way. Our team members impart the Gospel by sharing what the Lord Jesus has done through the Word of God and in the testimony of our lives. There is an abundance of prayer for many people that happen on these nights where the love of God is demonstrated and released.

The Mission & Vision of Outreach & Evangelism



The mission of Outreach and Evangelism at VICTORY is the Great Commision of our Lord Jesus Christ. Mark 16:15 says, “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.” This means we aim to win people to the Lord from every tribe, every tongue and every nation. No matter ethnicity, background, skin color, creed, rich, or poor—we want to see ALL come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

This mandate includes all spheres of influence in society. We believe the Gospel is meant to change and influence the culture. We believe that the Lord Jesus desires to save people in our government, from local, to the highest of State and Federal levels. This also includes people in the education and business sector. Our desire is to see entire families come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. We want to see people in media, arts, and entertainment receive the Lord Jesus and encounter His saving grace. The Gospel is for ALL people in ALL the world.
Victory is a community that trains and equips people to boldly share their faith. Our faith is expressed through our testimony, the Word of God, praying for people’s needs, and purposeful acts of kindness. We love to help people discover where and what they are called to and activate them in their God-given mission field.

Our desire is to see evangelism become a lifestyle for the people of God. We come together corporately to do outreaches for our community through food distribution, public preaching and worship services. Our teams go out day and night into the city to meet people right where they are at.

Victory recognizes the harvest is ripe and ready, and evangelism in our city has to become a primary purpose. We see our city flooded with messengers declaring the Word of the Lord. This is key to seeing personal revival, national awakening, and generational reformation in our Nation! Come join us in faith!

Want to know more about Outreach and Evangelism?

Let us know about any questions or if you'd like to impact our city with us.