Truth Trackers is a Devotion & Scripture Memory Bible Club that teaches kids how to “hide God’s Word in your heart” and to develop a relationship with God through daily devotions and scripture memory.
Truth Trackers gives essential training for your kids of devotion to God and develops spending time with Him every day. It is foundational and eternal training for your child and their walk with God.
All age levels learn the same biblical truth each week, so families with multiple age levels are all learning the same truth at the same time. This causes great unity and biblical dialog in the home for children and families.
Truth Trackers also assists parents with a process for teaching their children the truths of God’s Word with positive incentives & reinforcements. Not only are their siblings learning the same truths, but their church friends are as well. They are being disciplined in their devotion to God and scripture memory while being rewarded with prizes and positive peer influence as well.
The program runs across the school year and is $15 per child. Sign your child up for Truth Trackers today!
Truth Trackers gives essential training for your kids of devotion to God and develops spending time with Him every day. It is foundational and eternal training for your child and their walk with God.
All age levels learn the same biblical truth each week, so families with multiple age levels are all learning the same truth at the same time. This causes great unity and biblical dialog in the home for children and families.
Truth Trackers also assists parents with a process for teaching their children the truths of God’s Word with positive incentives & reinforcements. Not only are their siblings learning the same truths, but their church friends are as well. They are being disciplined in their devotion to God and scripture memory while being rewarded with prizes and positive peer influence as well.
The program runs across the school year and is $15 per child. Sign your child up for Truth Trackers today!

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
We love kids and consider it a privilege to help families disciple and raise up children for their destinies and the Kingdom of God. Our Children's Ministry consists of a spirit and truth model.
John 4:24 says, "God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth."
That is our desire, to raise up worshippers for God who worship Him through everything they do in spirit and truth.
John 4:24 says, "God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth."
That is our desire, to raise up worshippers for God who worship Him through everything they do in spirit and truth.

Through our curriculum on Saturday and Tuesday* nights, we disciple kids to develop a personal relationship with God and to know Him through time spent in the Word, prayer and walking in the Spirit. We teach kids who they are in Christ and who Christ is in them.
We train kids to live holy lives and walk in a way that is pleasing to the Lord. We teach them to know God's Word so they will not be deceived in this age or sin against God.
We instruct kids how to advance the Kingdom of God and bring Heaven to Earth through co-laboring with the Holy Spirit. They are equipped to release the fruit and gifts of the Spirit in and through their lives.
5:00 - 7:30 pm
Nursery | Ages: 0 - 2
Preschool / Tiny Trackers | Ages: 3 - 5
Kids Church / Truth Trackers | Grades: 1st - 5th
Preschool / Tiny Trackers | Ages: 3 - 5
Kids Church / Truth Trackers | Grades: 1st - 5th
6:00 - 8:00 pm
*Every 1st, 3rd, & 5th Week
*Every 1st, 3rd, & 5th Week
Nursery | Ages: 0 - 2
Preschool | Ages: 3 - 5
Elementary | Grades: K - 5th
Preschool | Ages: 3 - 5
Elementary | Grades: K - 5th
Truth Focus
Our Saturday Night teaching time for kids is Truth Focused. Through our Bible Club, they learn biblical truths, scripture memory & meditation and the discipline of devotions in an easy to understand and fun way with others and at home. Through this learning approach we come alongside the parents to help them train and teach their children in the ways of the Lord.
Spirit Focus
Our Tuesday night services teach on prayer, vision, worship, the Fruit of the Spirit, gifts of the Spirit, learning how to hear from God, and other aspects of our life in the Spirit of God. Children learn through Bible lessons, crafts, food, games and activation time. Children are given tools on how to walk with the Spirit of God each day and become vessels to demonstrate God's love, light and glory.
Truth Tracker Journals
Prayer Journals
Truth Tracker Jounals are used during the week to teach kids to develop devotions every day to God. Each age group learns the same Truth Principle each week and becomes of wonderful part of the family growing together in Christ.
For more information go to and watch their video.
For more information go to and watch their video.
Prayer Journals are encouraged during the week to develop a lifestyle of prayer. Children learn how to pray and connect with God daily, how to hear from God, what to pray for, praying scripture and so much more.